Top 4 Tools Used in Contemporary Web Development

There are a large number of front-end web development tools which accelerate effective web development. Here is a set of some top tools adopted by reputed website development companies in Delhi with key attributes-


1) Npm:


The features include-


  • Discover, explore and reuse over 500,000 free code packages in the Registry

  • Encourage discovery of and reuse within teams

  • Publish and control access to namespace

  • Manage public and private code using the same workflow

2) TypeScript:

The features include-

  • It is fully portable across all browsers, operating systems and devices

  • Has the capacity to run on any environ that JavaScript runs on

  • TypeScript supports other JS libraries

  • It is possible to use this Typescript on any environment that JavaScript runs on

  • It supports definition files that can contain type information of existing JavaScript libraries, such as C/C++ header files

3) CodeKit:

  • CSS changes are injected without need of reloading the entire page

  • Combine scripts to reduce HTTP requests.

  • Minify code to reduce file sizes

  • Works automatically with most languages without trouble

4) WebStorm:

  • It helps developers across the globe to code more efficiently when working with large projects

  • It provides effective built-in tools for debugging, testing and tracing client-side and Node.js applications

  • It integrates with popular command line tools for web development

  • Spy-js built-in tool allows tracing JavaScript code

  • It provides a unified UI for working with many popular Version Control System

  • It is extremely customizable to perfectly suite various coding style

  • It offers built-in debugger for client-side code and Node.js apps

Top website development companies in Noida and other cities in India make use of the above-said tools to come up with the best of web development solutions.